李錦記家族基金聯同陸續出版舉辦以「家家作樂 代代有愛」為主題嘅歌唱比賽🎤有咩咁特別?今次比賽歌曲全部都係由歷屆得獎者創作㗎🎹,透過旋律同歌詞,推動爽樂家庭關係!快啲一齊報名啦~
🧓🏻截止日期:2021年 3月31日(晚上11時 59 分)
👧🏻揀歌㩒呢度 : https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com
金獎(一名):港幣$3,000 元
銀獎(一名):港幣$1,500 元
銅獎(一名):港幣$1,000 元
最受歡迎大獎(一名):港幣$1,000 元
和諧家庭大獎(一名):港幣$1,000 元*(須以家庭組別名義參加)
入圍獎 (十名):港幣$1,000 元
【Loving Family Singing Contest 2021】
The Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation and Under Production Ltd jointly organize the ‘Loving Family Singing Contest 2021’🎤. What’s so special about it? Well, all the songs in this competition were created by previous winners, which promotes harmonious relationships in the family through melodies and lyrics! Sign up together now!
🧓🏻Entry deadline is at 11:59 pm, 31 March 2021 (HKT, UTC+8).
👦🏻Online Entry Form: http://bit.ly/lovingfamilysingingcontest2021
👧🏻Song Library: https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com
👶🏻Prizes for each group (Loving Family Pop Song Group/ Loving Family Children Song Group):
Gold Award (1 Awardee) : HKD $3,000
Silver Award (1 Awardee): HKD $1,500
Bronze Award (1 Awardee): HKD $1,000
Voter's Favorite Song Award (1 Awardee): HKD $ 1,000
Family Harmony Award (1 Awardee): HKD $1,000 *(Must be Family Group Entry)
Finalist Award (10 Awardees): HKD $1,000